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Irish Neurological Association Business Meeting

By Priscilla Lynch - 06th Jun 2024

Irish Neurological Association, Annual Meeting, Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel, 2-3 May 2024

The Irish Neurological Association (INA) Business Meeting was held on 2 May during the Association’s Annual Meeting in Kilkenny. The minutes of the 2023 INA Business Meeting were agreed by all present.

The Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience (IICN) Dean, Dr John McConville, proposed the election of Dr Helena Moore as INA President for 2025 and this was warmly supported by all those present.

Dr John McHugh read a tribute to Dr Jennifer Tracey.

Dr McConville paid tribute to Ms Ena Bingham, Neurology Specialist Nurse at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. He noted that Ms Bingham was the kindest, most empathetic person, and he considered her to be family. She is sadly missed.

All those present agreed that the meeting and interacting with colleagues in person, together with an extensive and varied programme, made the 60th INA meeting a fun event.

A vote of thanks to Prof Francesca Brett, INA President 2024, was roundly endorsed.

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The Medical Independent 27th August 2024

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