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Review of maternity and infant care scheme ‘postponed’

By Catherine Reilly - 10th Jun 2024

maternity and infant care

An important HSE review of the maternity and infant care scheme has been postponed pending the conclusion of the strategic review of general practice, the Medical Independent (MI) has learned.

A review of the scheme was a recommendation in the national maternity strategy, which was published over eight years ago.

The national maternity strategy suggested that this review should consider the feasibility of extending coverage to include a preconception consultation and postnatal check at three-to-four months and/or additional postnatal GP visits where further pregnancy-related needs have been identified.

“Such a safety check has particular merit in terms of early intervention for pelvic floor, nutrition and perinatal mental health issues, which may not be apparent at the six-week appointment,” according to the maternity strategy.

The maternity and infant care scheme provides an agreed programme of care to an expectant mother and her new-born baby for up to six weeks after birth. Women with “major conditions” (eg, diabetes, hypertension) may also have up to five additional visits with their GP. Care for illnesses not related to pregnancy does not form part of the scheme, according to the HSE.

Last year, MI reported that the HSE expected to conclude its review in the third quarter of 2023. However, in November, it decided to “suspend/postpone” the review pending completion of the strategic review of general practice.

According to a quarterly update provided to the Department of Health by the HSE National Women and Infants Health Programme (NWIHP): “On foot of consultation and engagement with key stakeholders, NWIHP have been forced to suspend/postpone” the review pending completion of the strategic review of general practice.

This decision was taken following a meeting in November, which involved NWIHP and other sections of the HSE, including the PCRS [Primary Care Reimbursement Service] and the National Contracts Office.

“The purpose of the meeting was to establish whether the review of the MICS [maternity and infant care scheme] would conflict or overlap in any way with the strategic review of general practice and to consider the feasibility of running the two reviews in parallel,” according to NWIHP’s quarterly update report dated 15 January 2024. “The group concluded that there would likely be conflict between the two processes with potential contractual overlaps and therefore agreed that the review of the maternity and infant care scheme should be suspended/postponed pending conclusion of the strategic review.” 

According to the NWIHP report, the MICS review remained a priority. The NWIHP stated it would liaise with the Department and steering group for the strategic review of general practice on “sequencing of activities and recommencing the HSE’s review of the MICS”.

The terms of reference for the strategic review of general practice were published in April 2023.

A Department spokesperson said the review will be completed this year.

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