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Serious deficiencies in psychiatric units identified by Mental Health Commission

By Mindo - 03rd May 2018

Commenting on the publication Dr Susan Finnerty, Inspector of Mental Health Services, said: “There are a number of serious issues and concerns raised in some of these inspection reports.  Of particular concern was the issue with pressure sores in Grangemore Ward and St Aidan’s Ward, St Otteran’s Hospital in Waterford.  There were two serious reportable events in relation to Grade 4 pressure sores reported to the Commission since the 2016 inspection and the Inspector found a further 14 pressure sores, of lesser grades, during this inspection. <br />  <br /> “We are also concerned about access to therapeutic programmes and services, as many patients in these centres are unable to access these much needed services and in another case residents did not have access to an appropriate range of therapeutic services and programmes in accordance with their needs.<br /> “The numbers and skills mix of staffing frequently arises in inspection reports, however in one particular case the number of nurses were below what the approved centre was required to have.  Overcrowding was also identified as a risk in the Department of Psychiatry in St Luke’s Hospital.”

<br /> Premises featured strongly again in these reports, with many not in a good state of repair. Commenting on this the Inspector said:“In one case there were 10-bed dormitories and this is not in keeping with <em>A Vision for Change,</em> and it is certainly not acceptable by modern standards.  Having one toilet and shower for ten residents is not enough.

<br /> “It is encouraging to note that some of these inspection reports show that efforts have been made to ensure compliance, with Woodview, Acute Mental Health Unit Mayo and St Michaels Unit in the Mercy Hospital Cork all improving in compliance since 2016. The remainder of the approved centres in these reports need considerable work to improve compliance in 2018.”<br /> The outcomes of the inspections are contained in the individual inspection reports

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