Mr Frank Flannery, political consultant and former Fine Gael advisor, has been engaged by the NAGP in a consultancy role. The Association hopes the appointment will help progress GP issues and improve communication with Government departments.
A native of Galway, Mr Flannery stepped down from his role as director of elections with Fine Gael in 2014. He is also a former director of the Rehab Group.
Mr Gerry Mullins, former special advisor to Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection Regina Doherty, has joined the NAGP as Head of Communications. His appointment follows a period of several months where the role was unfilled. As special advisor to Minister Doherty, a position he left in August, Mr Mullins was paid a salary of more than €80,000.
A former journalist, Mr Mullins has written three non-fiction books and previously worked for IBEC.
The NAGP has made repeated calls to be included in negotiations with the Department of Health and HSE regarding the development of a new GP contract.
Minister for Health Simon Harris has said his Department is negotiating with the IMO and that he had indicated his “willingness to consult the Association formally on the many issues facing general practice”.
Willingness? What does this mean? I have a willingness [myself] to swim the channel. Saying I have something [a will] and actually doing something about it [an action] are not mutually inclusive and imho simply reflect the PR school of ‘good sound bite’ that all our smooth young politicians seem really good at. Now, if only they were good at doing their jobs….. like actually engage with the totality of GP – e.g. include NAGP for starters?. Visit Monaghan GP [like he promised]?. Got new contract in place [with IMO & NAGP obviously]?. Apologised for Xmas insult to us all unreservedly? Yeah, like stopped playing/lying to the electorate re staff holidays causing bed shortages. Etc etc