The HSE’s infection control unit intervened to ensure hand hygiene training was reinstated as mandatory, according to internal records .
In January 2024, the HSE antimicrobial resistance and infection control (AMRIC) oversight group discussed a circular from human resources (HR) which did not include hand hygiene training as a mandatory training requirement. The circular, which was issued in August 2023, outlined the statutory and mandatory training requirements for HSE staff.
The AMRIC group meeting noted that a mandatory requirement for hand hygiene training every two years had been in place for approximately 10 years. In addition, this training had been promoted as mandatory for all.
It was agreed that the AMRIC Head of Service would link with the Chief Clinical Officer to ensure HR reinstated the hand hygiene training requirement, according to meeting minutes obtained under Freedom of Information law.
A HSE spokesperson commented: “Hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of infection and a range of training, guidance and resources are provided to staff to ensure good hand hygiene practice throughout our services.
“In 2024, hand hygiene training was included on the HSE list of statutory and mandatory training for all HSE staff (clinical and non-clinical) as well as for staff in HSE-funded services. This further standardises and strengthens a culture of good hand hygiene practice and an awareness of its importance across all staff disciplines.”
A new mandatory training programme involves completing an eLearning module designed by the AMRIC team.
“The uptake of this hand hygiene eLearning module has been very positive,” said the HSE’s spokesperson. “There is ongoing monitoring of uptake of mandatory training in each health region for both new and existing staff…. There is no specific information on percentage take-up among new staff, however, staff are continually prompted to complete their eLearning programme on hand hygiene on HSeLanD….”
The last national hand hygiene audits for acute settings were completed from October to November 2024. Forty-seven public hospitals submitted data on 10,037 observations. Hand hygiene compliance remained “stable” at 92.3 per cent, which was above the HSE target of 90 per cent.
Meanwhile, the HSE confirmed that the national clinical surveillance infection control system is live in HSE Mid West and Tallaght University Hospital. In HSE West and North West, three hospitals are live and it is planned to roll out to a further three hospitals in 2025.
“As part of this project, University Hospital Kerry in HSE South West will be live in Q2 2025 with a phased implementation planned for the remainder of HSE South West thereafter. Engagement has also commenced with HSE Dublin and South East and a community pilot site has been chosen in HSE West and North West.”
The system will support the management of the clinical, laboratory and administrative information around cases and outbreaks.
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