Jurgen Klopp’s decision to leave Liverpool is a reminder that change is the one great constant...
The food choices offered to patients in hospitals should be a cause of deep concern...
Women provide most of the care in society, and more has to be done to address...
If we are to manage the next pandemic successfully, there’s something we need more than an...
Moves are afoot to help end the financial discrimination against the many people who have recovered...
Significantly, the Medical Council decided to publish its Medical Workforce Intelligence Report 2022...
Dr Michael (‘Mickey’) Loftus, GP, Coroner, and former President of the GAA (1985-1987) passed away almost...
A recent NHS initiative is a step forward for patient safety, but has major resource implications...
Ms Maria Campbell provides advice on legal requirements in relation to clinical images. They say a...
A delegation from the RCPI has been visiting hospital sites across the country to connect and...
A new report from the RCSI sets out a roadmap for reducing the carbon footprint of...
The latest report from HSE National Doctors Training and Planning (NDTP) makes for illuminating reading for...