Since 2000, suicide has declined in almost all countries in the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation...
<strong></strong>In 2017, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners ran a public awareness campaign to promote...
The increase in consultant numbers never materialised. The contract was signed at the onset of another...
It takes a village to rear a child. It takes a village to keep my house...
Before our recent abortion referendum, the threat to doctors was that the laws of Ireland wanted...
In his novel <em>The Doctor</em> (1812), Robert Southey warns: “Beware of those who are homeless by...
As revealed in this issue of the <strong><em>Medical Independent</em></strong>, the International Peer Review Group (IPRG) questioned...
I have known many remarkable people, some of them doctors. In fact, the longer I spend...
Healthcare should not be used for political gain, as in the case of the Government’s response...
While a large part of the inquiry involves the Vicky Phelan case and the non-disclosure of...
he referendum pushed CervicalCheck off the front pages for only a short time. Even while it...
Dr Adrien Proust (1834-1903) was an epidemiologist and the Chief Physician at Hotel Dieu in Paris....