Dr Andrew Rowe and Dr Colm Byrne outline why active travel is the only solution which...
As we hear so often, the Irish health service suffers from significant capacity deficits. The most...
Dr Graham Billingham outlines the impact of ‘soft skills’ on the prevention of medical malpractice...
It is important we design a healthcare system that allows carers to act positively for their...
It is a myth that only a few fanatical physicians committed medical atrocities during the genocide...
Before laptops and cell phones, the arrival of your comics was the highlight of the week....
A recent legal case in the UK highlights the difficulties of dealing with inherited illness. It...
Ms Niamh Arthurs writes that the 30th European Congress on Obesity, which takes place...
How is Sláintecare progressing? Well, it depends on who you ask. The press release issued...
Dr James Thorpe advises on what to expect from the role of a medical expert witness...
The new consultant contract might not be perfect, but I hope it succeeds in attracting high-quality...
Medicine needs more heretics who are prepared to step beyond the stultifying confines...