The story of Ireland’s asylum system is awkward, complex, and contested. The “mental hospitals” of the...
A recently published tome has brought back the happy days of my undergraduate paediatrics training...
The RCPI has published a new report outlining recommendations to change and enhance internal medicine training...
Primary prevention is more effective and cost-effective than activities that treat high-risk patients with...
This time last year NCHDs were at the precipice. In July 2022, IMO NCHDs voted “overwhelmingly”...
Dr Emma Davies and Dr Rachel Birch delve into the common underlying reasons for these unfounded...
The death of my chemistry teacher caused me to ruminate on the complexities of calcium. The...
In healthcare, all we can do is gather evidence, analyse it, and see if an agreed...
The recruitment embargo within the HSE has cast a huge shadow over the healthcare initiates to...
Dr Michael Devlin examines who is responsible for patient care when treatment is started in hospital...
We need to urgently find solutions to the housing emergency for the sake of our health...
Allowing the misuse of resources to go unchallenged because of fear of a complaint does not...