The latest monthly update from the Department of Health on waiting lists follows what is becoming...
Perhaps the most difficult thing we can do this Christmas is maintain peace in our hearts....
We should encourage our patients to do advanced care planning before they get a terminal illness...
It is good to see evidence accruing on the use of remote consultations. While telemedicine use...
Within general practice, clinicians can find themselves caught up in disputes between divorced or separated parents...
Runaway budgets do need to be curtailed, but freezing the appointment of new staff is not...
The events that unfolded in Dublin city centre on Thursday 23 November were truly shocking. The...
The significant challenges and opportunities for medical training in Ireland were outlined during the second RCPI...
Forums for women are a powerful tool to question inequality and the status quo. In reflecting...
Earlier this month, the Irish Association for Emergency Medicine (IAEM) highlighted a paper published recently in...
Addressing breakdowns in professional relationships in healthcare requires a proactive approach...
Within each of us there exists our younger and older selves and nothing that is past...