The new consultant contract might not be perfect, but I hope it succeeds in attracting high-quality...
Medicine needs more heretics who are prepared to step beyond the stultifying confines...
The funerals I attended recently were exquisite reflections of the wonderful people that they were celebrating...
The RCPI review of general internal medicine training is a timely intervention to help address critical...
Admitting we could have done better, while recognising our limitations, mitigates against repeating...
For now, it is best to use ChatGPT as an incomplete tool and to be aware...
Air pollution has been linked to a wide range of conditions, but action can be taken...
Many non-complex ENT conditions can be treated in primary care, but this requires education and training...
Don’t call me ‘your own’ because you think I am like you, especially if you share...
A divergence on the future of the emergency services is growing between health officials and national...
It would be for the best that some descriptions doctors give patients are consigned to history...
There should be no reason why the teenage patient with a disability cannot aspire to become...