Mary Harney remarkably did not use a computer during her time as Minister for Health. Yet...
“One of the virtues of the NHS is that it doesn’t worry you about money at...
In the previous issue of the Medical Independent (MI), we revealed how the Department of Public...
f the HSE is ever in need of a new slogan, it could do worse than...
The outpouring of tributes on the death of Gay Byrne was to be expected, given the...
The subject of our previous editorial was the slow pace of healthcare negotiations, with consultants being...
Healthcare negotiations can often be a slow, laborious, affair. The consultant contract 2008 took over a...
Nearly 64,000 Americans died from a drug overdose in 2016 alone. Opioid overdoses accounted for more...
After the summer break, conference season is back in full swing. The usual line-up of clinical...
Striving to provide a more equal healthcare service Our previous editorial ended by referring to Sláintecare’s...
There probably is never an ideal time to introduce major reform in healthcare. The unrelenting demand...
The Amazon rainforest fires are another unwanted example of the extensive damage humans can do to...