The statement comes following queries from the <strong><em>Medical Independent</em></strong> (<strong><em>MI</em></strong>) in relation to cases of Epilim...
Trainees left unsupervised when a consultant was absent for a week. Trainees taking consent when unqualified/untrained....
Ms Mannion relayed these concerns in her submission to the Independent Review Group examining private practice...
Another Council report published today found that the South/South West Hospital Group was 3 per cent...
<span id="docs-internal-guid-3ff573f4-7fff-0039-45bf-1f82cad79a5c"> </span> <p dir="ltr"><span>The Department of Health eHealth strategy in 2013 identified that the development...
<span id="docs-internal-guid-528df9e4-7fff-71ef-c24c-d7a200ea2c29"> </span> <p dir="ltr"><span>The programme includes 75 courses and has been developed to support NCHDs...
<span id="docs-internal-guid-81d10643-7fff-4436-8040-31ac6ed21b5c"> </span> <p dir="ltr"><span>HPV is a group of over 200 viruses which can infect skin...
<span id="docs-internal-guid-2372dfcd-7fff-cd83-0dfe-f49df8029e9e"> <p dir="ltr"><span>The IPHA report claims that seven cancer medicines are available in 12 western...
<p class="m_-2626073438061896925gmail-normal">Delivering a new model of healthcare through the development of a “citizen care masterplan” for...
What a difference nearly two years make. The last time this newspaper interviewed Dr Brenda Corcoran,...