Following on from last year’s success in Leogang, Ireland again participated in both the Ferran Morell...
When Dr Gabriel Scally was appointed on 8 May to lead the scoping inquiry into issues...
According to the website GPBuddy.ie, there are around 154 vacancies for a variety of positions including...
What a difference nearly two years make. The last time this newspaper interviewed Dr Brenda Corcoran,...
During that timeframe, 30 incidents involved a patient death where the medical device may have been...
Dozens of GPs took to social media recently to complain about the changes, which they claimed...
As recently revealed by <em>The</em> <em>Sunday Business Post</em>, the private investigators were hired to support counter-claims...
Dr Maitiú Ó Tuathail said the ED was “both unsafe and completely unfit for purpose at...
The benefits of electronic prescribing are numerous and well documented. National e-prescribing programmes have been shown...
The non-randomised study is testing the intervention of pharmacists in GP practices through the collection of...