Consultant psychiatrist and IMO representative on the Consultant Applications Advisory Committee Dr Matthew Sadlier writes about...
The Department of Health spent €468,741 on external consultants in the first six months of 2018,...
The dotMD conference, which looks at medicine through the lenses of culture, the arts, philosophy, and...
The consultancy firm Crowe was due €126,417 for work undertaken after the end of July 2018...
It is not easy to straighten in the oak the crook that grew in the sapling...
The Government has no plans to introduce a tax on mobile phone calls or texting, Minister...
Public health doctors were not a happy group towards the end of last year. The group...
The need for a HSE ‘data tsar’ has been considered by the Executive, the HSE’s Chief...
The HSE Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has spent almost €2.5 million on external...
Over 700 abortion pills were detained last year, according to figures provided by the Health Products...
Several GPs have reported difficultly accessing abortion care for patients due to delays in establishing services...