In his time as Minister for Health, the former Taoiseach Brian Cowen once famously referred to...
A full paediatric service resumed at the National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH), Dún Laoghaire, at the end...
The flu vaccine campaign in Temple Street Children’s University Hospital had a staff uptake of 72...
Temple Street Children’s University Hospital is “generally unable” to facilitate referrals for treatment of overseas patients,...
There were 479 vacant consultant posts at the end of December 2018, the highest number being...
There are “no plans” to update The National Guidelines on Physical Activity for Ireland, in spite...
The Mental Health Commission (MHC) did not believe that the report from the Joint Committee on...
The board of Saolta University Health Care Group has urged Minister for Health Simon Harris to...
The Ireland East Hospital Group (IEHG) is proposing to reduce the number of its constituent hospitals...
A number of projects in the Dublin Midlands Hospital Group (DMHG) have been “reprofiled” because the...
The validation process for hospital waiting lists is to be reformed as part of plans to...