CervicalCheck offers free cervical screening to women and people with a cervix aged 25- to-65 years...
RCPI Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Spring Conference 2022, 4 March.
Unpleasant side-effects are one thing, but there have been periods in history where a seemingly...
The Medical Independent. Latest medical news including clinical news, breaking news for doctors...
The war in Ukraine has seen doctors and the public mobilise and transform social media into...
Cost of Living. Can we flatten this curve before we get exponential growth, Taoiseach? By Eoin...
The Medical Council’s Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics (the ‘Guide’) describes...
As GPs, we can give people permission to reduce their viewing of news reports to a...
Welcome to the latest edition Update, which focuses on the latest developments in Cardiology
As the fifth round of the SAFE collaborative is launched, Dr Peter Lachman, Lead of the...
Mindo Cartoon 7th April 2022. Restrictions - Between a rock and a hard place - by...
Dr Rachel Birch, Medico-legal Consultant at Medical Protection, discusses a case..