A “demand capacity mismatch” has left transplant services “vulnerable to service provision failure” in surge periods,...
Extended leave. The duration of the HSE International Medical Graduate Training Initiative (IMGTI) for scholarship trainees...
The initial build of the MedLIS laboratory information system has been completed and the project has...
While some perceive peer review systems as “a soft touch”, the processes of the Organisation of...
Many governments and employers have instituted “inadequate” measures to protect workers...
The Medical Council queried the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland about why it purportedly did not...
RCSI Hospitals will not permit the HSE obstetric event support team (OEST) to attend its maternity...
Implementation of the national maternity strategy has been underfunded by almost €9 million this year...
The lack of a second CT scanner at Connolly Hospital in Blanchardstown is presenting clinical risks...
The Beaumont Hospital Information System (BHIS) is arguably the “biggest risk” to delivery of services at...
Referrals to the Medical Council’s fitness to practise (FTP) committee increased by 90 per cent in...
Specific guidance for doctors regarding discharge summaries and follow-up of investigations has been...