The RCPI’s Faculty of Occupational Medicine warned the HSE in November it did not have funding...
The Department of Health is keen to step-down the official public health emergency on carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae...
The possibility of acquiring carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) on Beaumont Hospital’s Hamilton Ward was “beyond” a level...
Ending the public health emergency on carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) “shouldn’t be viewed as an acceptance” by...
The board at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin has noted that achieving “a realistic rate of remuneration”...
The quality manager at the Rotunda Hospital’s laboratory expressed serious concern to the Minister for Health...
Catherine Reilly reports from a conference on the impact of sodium valproate (Epilim) in pregnancy and...
The commencement of routine abortion services at the beginning of 2019 has proven challenging for medical...
Department of Health representatives “introduced discussion” on declaring the public health emergency on carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE)...
The contractual arrangements for Beaumont Hospital CEO Mr Ian Carter, who is also head of the...
A HSE-commissioned report estimates that up to 1,250 children have experienced some form of neurodevelopmental delay...
A conference this month will examine the consequences of sodium valproate exposure in the womb, with...