A significant number of doctors have expressed their concern to the Medical Council about certain...
Approximately 300 doctors have signed a letter to the Medical Council expressing their alarm at changes...
A proposed national action plan to address the high rate of human verotoxin-producing E.coli (VTEC)...
‘Work/life balance’, ‘promotion/career development’, and ‘improved commute’ were among the main...
The Medical Council has communicated its concern to the national NCHD taskforce about the...
The Labour Court has declined to direct the HSE to pay an out-of-hours allowance to GP...
Extended leave. The duration of the HSE International Medical Graduate Training Initiative (IMGTI) for scholarship trainees...
The initial build of the MedLIS laboratory information system has been completed and the project has...
There is an urgent need for comprehensive action by policymakers to address the growing burden of...
A “demand capacity mismatch” has left transplant services “vulnerable to service provision failure” in surge periods,...
While some perceive peer review systems as “a soft touch”, the processes of the Organisation of...
Many governments and employers have instituted “inadequate” measures to protect workers...